Hi I am not 100% but 98% back in the land of the living.
Well so much for low blood pressure after two weeks feeling really ill surgery finally sent someone out who told me I had a chest infection,kidney infection and total exhaustion so much so I really thought my time had come!!!December was spent in bed with the odd hour on the sette and the inclination to do nothing but refound my love of reading and thank goodness my daughter was here.
Thank you for all messages,beautiful cards sent,gift from Patricia and beautifully made masks from Dionne.
Anyway I am feeling better each day and starting to eat ---but---I realised something had to give so I sold most of my craft stuff just keeping some basics for Holly,but she asked for a sewing machine for Christmas and has discovered sewing bless her.
I have also left all the Design Teams as less stress the better but still have a few cards which havent been blogged yet .
Hope you all had a good Christmas and have a safe New Year
Carol x x