
Saturday 9 January 2021

Wine and Friends

 Morning and thank you all for your get well messages I was really touched and appreciated everyone so a big thank you to everyone.I have a few cards I made but didn't get to blog so here is the first one.

In November Daughter requested a birthday card for a workmate and as there were three really good friends she chose this image and sentiment was added after pic taken so not to offend anyone lol.

She chose the image Friends Dont Let Friends Wine Alone from Bugaboo Stamps 

coloured with promarkers and added glossy accents and dewdrops my favourite texture stamp round the edges and P.paper from an Art By Marlene pad.Wine bottle and glasses were from a stamp and die craft mag freeble set also coloured with promarkers.Ieven decorated the envelope.


entered into-

a place to start-ATG

613 Avenue create-ATG

 Thank you for dropping by and any comments are much appreciated

Carol x x


  1. Great fun card Carol...good to hear you are getting better now...take care xxx

  2. Fabulous card Carol, that image is always a winner. So happy to see you back my friend. Take

  3. Love your card,a great fun

  4. A super fun card Carol and lovely bright colours x

  5. Fun card Carol - glad you are feeling up to blogging. x

  6. Fabulous card Carol, wonderful background and the ladies are just too funny.

    Hugs Diane

  7. great card Carol x love the image

  8. Ha! I have this image and I think it's so fun! I miss getting together with my friends. It's good to know you feel well enough to blog this card. I hope you'll continue to feel well and remember to never overdo it again!

  9. Lovely to see you posting again Carol hope you feel much better,your card made me smile,a brilliant image and decorated envelope.Very curious about the wording of the sentiment!!!

  10. Fabulous fun card with the girls Carol, great colouring and love the background, great to be able to pop over and thank you for coming to mine and commenting,it was really neat to see you there..take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  11. What a greaat card to start the year .............Lis

  12. Great card and very funny!!! Glad to see you are blogging but just take it easy. Big Hugs

  13. What a great card! Reminds me of my ladies group a few years back. We're all a tad too old for going out for drinks now.

  14. A great card. Glad you are feeling better

  15. A real fun and happy creation Carol and so nice to see you still sharing cards with us. I really appreciated your visit the other day, thank you.

    B x

  16. You sound like you are feeling better, Carol, hope so! Love your card, I have that stamp, good one! Prayers and good wishes~ XOX

  17. So glad you are on the mend Carol. Love your card. Stay safe and well :-)

  18. Good to see you blogging Carol, I hope your recovering VERY fast! Love your card, great image and beautiful colouring. Love the envelope a great finish and set.
    Faith x

  19. A super card Carol, a fun image and great background.
    I'm sorry that you have been so ill, I hope you are well on the mend and will soon be back to some sort of normal.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  20. Not only is the image fun, so is the envelope! I'm sure your daughter's workmate enjoyed this. I enjoy seeing a card made by you again too :) Hope you are feeling stronger each and every day! Hugs

  21. Gosh you have been through the Mill.Hope you are getting stronger and taking each day slowly and as they come. Not easy when you have been so active before. This image always makes me smile and you have done it justice here. hugs Mrs A.

  22. Brilliantly designed with a fabulous image and colours. Really wonderful to see you back. x

  23. So lovely to see your work on here again Carol ... even if you are only playing catch-up. Another gorgeous Bugaboo stamp and your design suits it beautifully, I bet this card went down a storm with your daughter and her friends.

    Dionne xx

  24. A fabulous fun image to use, great card! So pleased to hear you’re feeling better.
    Janice x

  25. This card made me smile as it's been so long since I last had a girly night with wine. Roll on the happy days again! x

  26. A fun and colorful card. Sorry to hear that you have not been well.
    Hugs Monica

  27. I miss seeing friends. I miss going to the pub or restaurant for a glass or a better meal (hubby is a decent cook, but I’m not). It’s a fun cheerful image. We’re hpgoibg to get back to t8mes like this, at some point:)

  28. A lovely fun card Carol, so glad to hear that you are feeling much better.

  29. This card is just brilliant Carol! I have missed your creations but so understand you needed a break. It's awful when life gets on top of us we have to discard I favourite things! I hope you are feeling stronger by the day but just try and keep a lid on it!! I got sucked back into some commissioned cards and it has snowballed on me again! Never learn!!

  30. Great card Carol! I miss socialising with my friends.
    Keep safe and well,
    Alison xx

  31. This card is great, I love the vibrancy and the colours. It also reminds us of happier times when we could meet up and socialise xx

  32. Ooo I missed this nice card Carol, it’s a great one with a nice and funny picture hihi.
    I’m glad to see you on blogger,keep healthy!
    Hugs xx

  33. Carol! I'm so glad to see your post and for your visits, that has to mean you are feeling better. This is such a fun card! Now I am curious what sentiment you used =) Take good care of yourself.

  34. Wonderful card Carol, love this image, it really makes me smile. Happy days! Take care lovely, Michelle x

  35. fun card!
    Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create!

  36. A fun card and it is executed in your usual impeccable style! Thanks for sharing it with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah
