Saturday 4 May 2024

Smash Your Stash Journal Page

 A week late but finally here is my Smash Your Stash for the journal page challenge with Vicki  at Stamped Smiles.Please check out her brilliant page.

The background was a pre made one from a couple of years ago which was made with if I remember rightly Gelatos.The heart was from a colouring book,coloured with coloured pencils and cut in half then almost glued back together.The half frames were from some papers I was sent and the love is all around circle stamp from Sweet Dixie and a bit of doodling round the heart.

We now have John in a bed downstairs so at least not stuck upstairs on his own all day,and next to a double window overlooking the garden -mind you alreadt told us it needs weeding !!!!!




crafty catz-ATG 

creative fingers-ATG

creative artiste-ATG

we love to create-ATG/mixed media

a perfect time to craft-ATG

classic design-ATG

Ellibelles Corner-May-ATG

Thank you for dropping by and any comments are much appreciated.

Carol x x x


dutchess said...

Lovely bright journal page Carol….
I am sure that John will be so much happier being with you downstairs and able to see into the garden…my thoughts are with you all….xxx

Valerie-Jael said...

Glad your John is giving good 'advice', it sounds like he's feeling a bit better. Sending hugs and prayers. Love your heart with the two different sides. I smashed some stash yesterday when I spilled coffee over everything....Hugs, Valerie

ahlers5 said...

Wonderful that John is closer to where you are during the day. Love the journal page. I always wanted to start one, but have no idea where to even begin.

Elle-Jeanne said...

Mooie art journaal bladzijde Carol
Zeker fijn dat John beneden in bed ligt.
Sterkte gewenst voor jullie allen.
Groetjes Elle-Jeanne

HilaryJane said...

What a great page. Love the vibrancy of your colouring. I am glad you have managed to settle John so he isn't isolated upstairs xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Great solution keeping your hubby always with you and with something beautiful to see, good for him and for you all! His words about the grass made me smile... :)
Fabulous AJ page, love so much that heart with the different two halves and your Gelatos background!

Leslie Miller said...

Wow, this makes me stand up and take notice! Beautiful with all the color and fun design. I'm glad to hear John is better situated now with a window onto the garden. My garden needs work, too, but it's not so pleasant in the rain.

Jean said...

Glad John can keep you on your toes still ! Awesome work Carol i love the sweet dixie stamp x

Christine Alexander said...

Wow, loving all those colours ♥

brenda said...

Gorgeous colours Carol and so good to hear yo9u are getting a little normality back with John, don't forget to do that weeding!

B x

meg said...

The beautiful vibrant colours brightened my day Carol,happy to read that John is downstairs with you and giving orders about work needing done in the garden

KarinsArtScrap said...

that looks lovely and bright karin

Chris said...

A wonderful vibrant page Carol, the colours are amazing.
How much nicer for John to be downstairs than stuck upstairs all day....even if he can see the weeds now!!!

My name is Erika. said...

This is a gorgeous journal page Carol. I love the 2 toned heart. hugs-Erika

coldwaters2 said...

I am so pleased that John is comfortable and enjoying the garden he will be able to supervise the gardener lol. I love your very colourful and detailed page Carol I like how you have halved the heart and coloured it differently I would never think of that which is why seeing other peoples creations bring me so much joy
lolo x

Carol L said...

It sounds like the change of scenery did John a world of good so that he can now enjoy the garden! I'm sure he feels better being in the center of his life again too. Your journaling page is lovely with the colorful heart and all of the elements you added. It's bright and cheerful and always better late than never, right?

EmmaT said...

Fabulous page. Glad John is now downstairs and can see the garden. Big hugs Emmax

Janette said...

How did I miss this one.....I am trying to keep up with comments but this slipped past me, anyways, here now.
Its gorgeous Carol, love the big heart and so much colour, beautiful. xx

pinky said...

Brilliant page and so colourful. Great idea to bring John downstairs. He's not going to miss too much by the sounds of things lol.

*Vicki* said...

Wow! Your coloring page hearts split is such a clever idea Carol! I love it so much and I honestly need to remember to do this! I love your split snippets added to this and your wonderfully colorful background! I'm so glad you were able to take some time to play around with this theme my friend! I just love it! Glad to hear John is able to stay downstairs and rest to enjoy the garden view. Sending hugs said...

Fantastic journal page! Loving all that colour! Also glad to hear that John is settling into his new abode Take care Michelle xx

Ellibelle said...

Such great details on this pretty journal page!
Thank you so much for joining in at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!
Ellibelle's Corner

Let's Art Journal said...

Fabulous journal page! I love the flowers and contrasting heart colours - perfect 😊. Thanks so much for joining us at Creative Artiste! Hugs, Jo x